Friday 27 Nov Opening Panel Day 1

Dr. Charbel Kareh
Juris Doctor
Attorney At Law – Managing Partner of e-lawyer Assistance Law Firm.
Isoc (Internet society) board member and head Of the Governance Committee of Lebanon Chapter. Founding member of The Lebanese Internet Center (Linc). PhD holder on Internet laws from Paris-sud – France. Masters in Legal Informatics From La Sagesse University. Bachelors in Private Law From La Sagesse University. Author of Internet law encyclopedia and other related books published with Sader Publishers. Author of many articles, studies and judiciary verdicts commentaries related to Information technology laws published in Al Majalla AlKadayiat, Al Adel magazine and many medias interventions on IT laws. Representing the BBA at the Lebanese Parliament committees for law projects related to ICT. In brief, An Information Technology law & its intellectual properties rights specialist, Internet laws and e-commerce. All technicalities of software systems and cloud computing solutions and their legal implications on ownership and security. Owning an internet-based global activity for online conflict resolution, legal assistance and online mediation & arbitration. Besides being Legal Counsellor for insurance companies & Mutual Funds for more than 20 years.